Sibling Shirt Set
This adorable sibling shirt is the perfect shirt for sweet little family and celebrating a new addition! Perfect for family photos, this sibling set is a MUST!
Simple to Order:
1. Choose how many siblings you need shirts made for. For example, if you have 3 children, then select 3 siblings! Price Varies based on how many shirts/gowns we need made.
2. In the Note to Seller (at checkout) please tell us exactly what you're wanting! List the size, shirt that you want & name. For example:
6 Month Gown, Little Brother, Aiden
2T Shirt , Middle Sister, June
4 T Shirt, Big Brother, Jackson
** Please make sure that the spelling is correct for the names! Your shirts will be embroidered exactly as you have listed!
Hair Bow sold separately
As these are custom made to order items, please allow for production and shipping time. Priority shipping applies to date shipped, not date ordered.